Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Alicia Keys-Element of Freedom-Song #7

Have you ever had a continuous thought over and over and began to believe that it could be reality but are afraid of what others might say.  My life has consisted of me having these types of thoughts.  Anytime that I actually spend great deals of time thinking about something then I feel that it probably is rather important since I'm usually able to come to a conclusion on things rather fast. This situation has me torn.  Do you stay with what you have always known or do you go out on a limb for something unknown.

Whenever I have gone out on a limb into the unknown it usually has worked out well. I went to college without ever stepping foot on campus until the day I moved in and it ranks in the top of  "The Best Decisions that Olu has made". I admit sometimes people just do crazy things just to see what's going to happen, but I don't think this is one of those situations.  I've thought of my contingency plan if I truly decide to embark on this adventure in the life of Olu.

As always I use the lyrics from songs in my life and this particular song had many lyrics that described what I was feeling at the time. It was crazy how it just spoke to me. At times I have moments when songs speak to me. Jill Scott has done it many times and Drake always has a line that represents me to a tee.

Moment of honesty...
I'm gonna sit right here
And tell you all that comes to me
If you have something to say
You should say it right now

I was wondering maybe

Could I make you my baby
If we do the unthinkable would it make us look crazy
If you ask me I'm ready

Not sure where I'm going with this one but at least if I have it written it takes it out of my mind and provides me with a brief moment of clarity.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Can't sell me Bullshit...I Know the prices

After my recent trip after interactions with various people I realized that I enjoy compliments from whomever with the understanding that those comments are usually just to assist them in the selling of a product of for other devious endeavors.  I guess as long as I figure that I know their intentions then they truly aren't really getting over on me.  It's comical how people think that they are providing you with what they consider important information when in reality it's just bullshit. 

There a few things in life that I can't stand; liars and bs'ers.  The reason probably is because I feel that your word is your bond and neither one of those types of people word holds any weight.  It is refreshing when some is actually being "real".  I so hate the concept of being real because I don't know exactly what it's supposed to mean.  There are many instances when "being real goes wrong".  I think Dave Chappelles skit summarized it best.

I think when I first heard the title of this blog is was in a Jay-Z song.  Gradually as I listen to things over and over again I get a better understanding, or at least my understanding of what they should be, which is the most important thing.  As I sit here in the Cleveland airport listing to Rick Ross and trying to get myself mentally prepared for Miami I'm wondering how many times this phrase will pop into my mind this weekend.  A short and sweet writing before I take another nap to fix the fact that I landed at 3:30 am Cali time. Sigh.